Let's go with both!

"What model would you LOVE to set up a co-operation with for a photoshoot? For cosplay? For art?"
I'd love to work with @AerynNerdy from @CosplayDeviants because I think our bodies types would look great together. She's so magickal in spirit that I could see us doing a magick/fantasy theme like faeries, nymphs or witches. The two of us could make one helluva calendar with different themes each month. I'm really addicted to Alice Liddell/Wonderland so I would love to get her dressed up as those characters. For art - I think what we do IS art but to spin it, I actually think it'd be a neat idea to recreate masterpieces; there was a wonderful time when women were admired for their curves and bellies. We could be really bad and do our versions of some of the religious work by Renaissance masters. The problem is we are literally on opposite sides of the globe.

Ask me anything but seriously think twice about rude or insulting remarks.